Saturday, July 10, 2010

BMI basics / Fidgety-fidge !!

i am sure with all the hype surrounding weight and health issues, everyone is aware of BMI. ok, weight in kg upon height in m squared...the healthy BMI being between 18.5 and 25.

we talk about BMI today, because we want to understand our targets. BMI is a very confusing and distracting term...but we will touch upon that fact a bit later.

for now, it suffices to say that anyone intent on losing weight should target atleast a BMI of 25.. so, you have a fair idea of how much you have to lose.

having said that, everyone has their own image of what to aim for... for some, achieving a BMI of 25 may sound too far fetched an idea, perhaps even disheartening.. in which case, you can set your own goal for the time being, one which sounds and looks accomplishable.. and gradually as you get closer to that, it can be revised to achieve a healthier BMI.

one little note here... when we look up to BMI to set our targets, we only do it for convenience, that is, to have a fair idea of where we want to reach.. because our body weight basically has two types of weights - weight from fat and the lean weight from muscles... BMI is ok to begin with, but as you get closer to the ideal weight, things begin to get distorted.

let me give an example.. i was 55 kgs a couple of months back, pretty toned from regular aerobics and weight training.. i give up all kind of physical activity for two months, follow almost the same diet, and i lose 1 kg and go down to 54 ! now, how does that happen ? should i be happy ? quite the contrary... because, in reality i feel quite out of tone.. because what i have lost is muscle and the fat is still the same or may have even piled on... it just doesnt show on the scales because loss of muscle makes up for gain in fat... so, follow your BMI as a rough guide, it may act as a lighthouse, but it can never be the compass.

i dont like those weight loss programmes that sound like hitler in 1937 - eat this,dont eat that, walk, run, lift, do squats,do it all, do it all NOW ! oooofff ! if you go from a normal day 1 to this sort of diet on day 2, it will be a nightmare ! believe me, even if it sounds ideal, it cannot be done - not consistently, not for long... unless, you are an ideal person - ahem , in which case you wouldnt be reading this ..

so, lets take it slowly, steadily... make one little change in your routine but make it a change for life - stick by it with all your heart...

so, where do we start ? the image doodles are in place... you have figured your target weight... now what ??

ever seen people who cant seem to sit still ? constantly move around, get up, sit, stand up again, pick this,drop that, go out - kind of get on your nerves, dont they ? like Bree in Desperate Housewives.. these people have a constant, almost obsessive need to be on the go.. if they are at home, they will be acting like freaks getting things in order, if they are at work, they will be in and out of their places a dozen times a day... and boy ! does it show ! on their bodies ! these are our calorie burning machines...

so, give it a try... it sounds simple, but not the easiest to implement..

instead of your remote, get up to turn on the volume, use stairs, go get up and put off the light, if you see the littlest dust, go get it... instead of phoning in the groceries, go out and get them yourself... use your legs and not the wheels, unless they belong to a bicycle... stand up while doing stuff like chopping veggies instead of planting your butt on d sofa... dont tell your child to answer the phone or get it for you, let your royal highness do it her/himself...

well, thats it for today... and remember, even if it doesnt show instantly, every bit helps !

cheers to good health !

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weight loss - kicking off !

So you have tried and tested every tried and tested method of weight loss - diet,exercise,sauna,steam baths,all kinds of belts and whatever they put your way.. and still, to put it gently, the bulge doesnt budge...
i have been through drastic weight loss twice in my life and i thought i could share my experiences... even if it helps one man/woman out there, its worth it...what say ?
ok, so in this post, i will tell you the most important secret to weight loss -
"Its all in the mind."
yes, cheesy as it sounds, its true anyway.
its all about determination and consistency...
first thing you can do, is dont go all giggly, i did this and it worked...
ya, so you draw a bigg fat you, almost roundish and write down your current weight...
right by its side, you draw a svelte,shapely you and write down your target weight on the side...
now this sticky you gotta stick on your snackbox or snack-cupboard or wherever it is that you hoard d goodies ( or, as it turns out, baddiesssss ).
every time you open the cupboard to take a bite, look at what this is going to do to the already err... plump you.. do you want it to get worse ?
right, so you put these stickies wherever you think the danger zones are - snack boxes, refridgerators, your chocolate or cookie box or whatever you identify as the source of unhealthy calories...
this will now put you in a strong position, one from which you can actually gain confidence about having kicked off the weight loss regime the right way..
see you later..
cheers to health !